Saturday, August 23, 2008

人的一生,總有些收藏 [Everyone has some sort of collection through his life]






















































[By HuoXing Ye Ye]

[Everyone has some sort of collection through his life]

During the last Thursday in November, I applied for two-day leaves, drove to the East Coast alone for vacation.

Without a specific destination, I left my house at 10a.m., and drove along the BinHai Expressway. After finishing breakfast at YiLan, I drove towards the direction of SuO, and started looking for an accommodation to stay for the night.

Along the side of a cross road, I saw a sign, "JiLianGuan, boarding house, quiet with great scenery."

Actually, my car overpassed the cross road, but these three words, JiLianGuan, caught my eyes, so I reversed back to the cross road, dialled up and asked if there were any vacancies? From the other end of the line, a friendly lady voice replied, "Yes." And there I was at the "JiLianGuan"

The person who greeted me was the owner of the boarding house, Chan Mei Yee. About 50-year old, she is friendly and warm, comfortable to be with. She took me to a room facing the sea on the first floor. After I settled down my luggage, I immediately went out for a walk.

The location of JiLianGuan is very unique. It is not far away from the cliff. Chan Mei Yee said, "During the season of gusting winds, enormous wave would hammer against the wall of the cliff, producing layers of wave fronts, which was quite a spectacular sight to behold.

The structural dimension of JiLianGuan was not considered huge. It was originally a private two-storey summer house built for vacationers. It was then renovated to become a boarding house. There were eight guest rooms in total. Among the rooms, one of them was actually turned into a store room housing sixty safety boxes, for rental purposes. Due to the high humidity facing the sea, the owner also installed a specially ordered dehumidifier, being turned on 24-hour daily. For prevention purposes, the boxes were also installed with security featues. This room, Chan Mei Yee, described it as "The Collection Room". After spending an abundant amount of money, the boxes were actually only being rented at one doller per day.

Why opened a boarding house at such remote area, and at the same time, deliberately turning one of the guest rooms into storing safety boxes? Why were the safety boxes being rented out at such a non-revenue generating charges? Furthermore, who would have come to this place to rent a safety box? And what are they for?

There were a bunch of question marks in my head. Working at the city had caused me to use my business logic to clarify with Chan Mei Yee.

She smiled and said, "Everyone has some sort of collection through his life."

What does that mean?

"Everyone has some collection. Some are quite special as it could be the momento of ending a romance, or it could be love letters, photos, the air tickets from the first trip that you had with your lover, or it could be the favorite toy of your long passed puppy... do you have this sort of momento?"

"Of course I have"

"This sort of momento, sometimes are not suitable to be placed at home. If a person is married, this would cause uncalled for suspicions by the spouse. Placing it at somewhere close by, it will create too much memories and stirred up emotions. Since these were all finished events, it is not healthy to always living in the past. Due to these reasons, this is why JiLianGuan has "The Collectiom Room". Throughout your life, there deems to be some special people passing through. They would leave behind something for be remembered with. And you should keep them well. For items not suitable to be placed at home, you could keep them here. "The Collection Room" is well facilitated with affordable rental charges. It is a relief to be able to place your things here. You could choose to come here once in awhile, look at your collection and reminisces of your past. This is a quiet place, with not too many rooms. No matter how far back in time you would like to travel in your memory, you would not be disturbed."

"After what you have told me, I also feel like renting a safety box now." I said, "How's business actually?"

"Forty out of the sixty safety boxes have already been rented out."

"That's not bad, meaning forty plus people would come back here from time to time. This is a good way to retain your customer."

Chan Mei Yee smiled quietly, "Have you checked out the beach?"

"Not yet"

"I put up some fences over there and installed a miniature cremator."

"For what purposes?"

"There was a girl, renting a safety box for three consecutive years. She had just ended the contract last year. She told me she wanted to take out all the items in the safety box and bring it to the beach and burn it. Spreading the ashes to the sea. Since she could not forever live in the past, she must find closure so that she could sets out anew. I think that is a very good idea. She is still young and there will be brightening future awaiting her. Hence, she shouldn't be bound by her past. So I installed a cremator at the beach, letting those who want to set out on a new live, to be able to have a special way to bid farewell to the past."

"Very romantic, but..." I was still having a question unanswered, "Don't you ever face financial pressure running this sort of business?"

"I'm not lack of money. Opening a boarding house is a way of life and I love this life. JiLianGuan itself is some sort of momento.

"What do you mean...?"

"My husband left me with JiLianGuan in his will. It was originally our summer house. When he passed away seven years ago, I left Taipei and moved to here because there were many good memories. However, it felt so lonely to stay alone in such a big house. I then turned it into a boarding house. As a tribute to my husband, I named it "JiLianGuan" [House of Remembrace ]. Later, I thought, why do I constraint JiLianGuan as a place for my memory alone? If it could becomes a place for people to store their collection, it will be come their House of Remembrace as well. Isn't it nice?"

"Yeah, it's nice", I said.

I took a walk towards the beach. Not far away, there it was, the cremator mentioned by Chan Mei Yee. It was a small metalic sylindrical cremator with 3 legs fastened to the ground by nails. There was a turnable cover in the middle, allowing people to place items that they would like to burn. At the top, there was even a small chimney.

I couldn't help but thinking, what sort of people, would take those precious memorable items kept in the safety box and bring them here to burn. What sort of emotion was involved at the exact moment when they place the item into the cremator?

I left the cremator, and strolled along the beach alone.

I also had some special momentoes. I had a piece of tissue marked with lipstick, left to me by a girl, thanking me for accompanying her on a good holiday. Most of my momentoes came from her. Her photos, her letters, her birthday gift to me. I kept all those about her in a steel box in one of my drawers.

There were still vacant boxes in Chen Mei Yee's Collection Room, should I rent one?

If I rent one, would I, one day, take the momento to the beach, throw it into the cremator and spread the ashes at the cliff?

Frankly, I didn't know.

I spent some time alone at the beach, only returned back to JiLianGuan at sunset. It was dinner time and since I was the only customer, Chan Mei Yee invited me to have dinner with her.

Chan Mei Yee's cooking was really good. A few delicious local dishes and it was an enjoyable meal for both of us.

After dinner, we continue to have our little chat out at the balcony. I asked Chan Mei Yee, with about forty people renting the safety boxes, there must be some special stories?

"Of course", she said.

She told me one of the stories that was very touching.

There was a girl called JiXinQi. She rented a safety box during the first year that the Collection Room started its service. Twice in a year, she would returned here, took out a stack of letters from the safety box every time, read those letters at the beach alone. When she came back from the beach, one would know she'd been crying by looking at her eyes. It happened for three years consecutively.

She worked at the back. A quiet and normal person, which was why you would never able to imagine, that she was keeping a profound secret. No one knew the details. We could only know that there was someone written to her until years later, she would still cry over the letters.

She had once told Chan Mei Yee. If she did not return here for more than two years, Chan Mei Yee should just take out her items in the safety box and burnt it.

She came back in May last year. As usual, she took the letters and read them at the beach. As usual, she returned to the JiLianGuan with hint of tears in her eyes. However, when she came back to the Collection Room, ready to place the letters back to the numbered 32 safety box, she saw a guy opening one of the other safety boxes. She was in shock and dropped all her letter on the ground.

The guy was very surprised as well. The two were staring at each others for more than ten seconds. He neeled and helped her pick up her letter. Then he looked at the envelops and said, "All these letter, you still kept them?"

"Hmmm", JiXinQi said, hands shaking.

The guy opened the numbered 31 safety box, and took out a stack of letter from there. "The letters that you wrote to me, I still have them here..."

At the JiLianGuan, miracles happened.

"What happened then?" I couldn't help asking.

"Then?" Chan Mei Yee smiled meaninfully, "Does it still matter?"

[JiangYi Magazine dated April 2008]