Monday, August 4, 2008

Self Entertainment

Well, see what a female would do when she is bored. I have stuck flowers on my toe, which I’m not even sure if it would mean peeling off my entire toe nail when I want to remove it later.

And also spent RM60 to re-pierce my navel ring. The tatoo artist who was doing my piercing was quite an interesting young man. With quite some principles and professionalism in his work as well. And he talked about his excitement of saving up for 4 years and finally get to go to San Francisco towards end of the year to meet other tatoo artists in US and brush up on the latest technology in the world of tatooing. How fascinating!!! And I do have utmost respect on people who always aim to improve themselves. And he also mentioned he was going to add me into his facebook. Want to keep a tap on his client list. Just one thing though. He has all sort of piercing and tatoo on his face, neck and body. Making me don’t know where to look so that I do not appear to be staring rudely at him. Other than that, we did have a good conversation though. Didn’t think I would meet someone like him at sg wang tatoo studio. Quite a pleasant experience.