Tuesday, June 29, 2010

那 趁早出发吧!!!




如果 还有机会的话,
你说,还早呢。我会说,那 趁早出发吧!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


擦掉 照相本      的足迹
擦掉 电话本      的记录
擦掉 语音信箱 的留言
擦掉 身份证      的IC
擦掉 毕业证书 的名号
擦掉 工作证件 的身份
擦掉 一切          的一切

只剩下一个叫做我  的    我


你总是说, “如果能够回到十年前,改变我不敢面对的一切, 那么现在的我 应该是满足的罢。”

想像以下,假设十年后的你, 还在说, “如果能够回到十年前,改变我不敢面对的一切, 那么现在的我 应该是满足的罢。”

现在的你, 正是十年后的你所羡慕的。 你,应该知道 现在要干些什么了吧!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


每隔两个星期,烧卖就会有一次呕心沥血的经历。他非常的有原则。 逃或者躲 都不是他字典里的词语。他只是会千心百计的绞尽脑汁 。。。把自己变不见了。。。在小小的公寓里, 施展连世界闻名的魔术师胡迪尼也会自叹不如的飞天遁地术。^^

不过, 那过后, 他就会摊在床上当个心满意足的可爱窝囊废。

Thursday, June 24, 2010


禁锢于随身听里, 演奏他们对梦想的坚持
随着数码的诠译, 狂颂他们对生命的固执

他们就是 五月天。。。

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


烧卖从昨天晚上起, 呕吐了不下十多次。 现在正等着診所开门。他 瘦了整个圈。

0624: 肥猫好多了。呕吐停止了。胃口也回来了。  ^^

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

阿姆沙特 的 特征

将泛光玻璃 幻化成 闪烁钻石
将乞讨菜余 幻化成 满汉全席
将五音不全 幻化成 天籁之音
将污秽铜臭 幻化成 勾魂糜香


钻石 变成 流沙
美食 变成 腐蛆
共鸣 变成 噪音
酿香 变成 尸臭



高跟皮鞋,公司证件,透明裸妆,  代替了


呢喃细语,影印传真,键盘鼠标, 代替了


Monday, June 21, 2010


希望有机会再一次能看到漆黑的宇宙里, 一片充满蔚蓝星星的银河。

守 “猪” 待 “兔” 的 猫

耐心等待着 小小飞行虫的 背影。。。

守“猪”待“兔”的猫, 我想烧卖会比较喜欢这种形容方式, 因为猪和兔, 怎么算起来都比小飞虫 强多了。

这大概是对于不会抓老鼠或者蟑螂的烧卖来说, 对家里最棒的贡献了。  ^^


台北和吉隆坡, 3211公里的距离, 5天的持续, ∞ 的期待。。。终于在今天收到了。

谢谢你, 陌生的Bonnie, 从3千公里以外 所带给我 这分倾泄的幸福。^^



- 装满啤酒泡沫的倾谈。
- 跟超人猫一起飞翔。
- 窝在温软被窝里看漫画。
- 被他牵着 你牵着他 的手。
- 在别的国家,享受着陌生。
- 感受被微雨拍打在身上的节奏。
- 尝着好吃的乳骆蛋糕。
- 在下着雪的冬天里吃冰淇淋。
- 你在乎的人正在幸福的活着。

还有,认识五月天的 。。。 每一天。。。  ^^

Friday, June 18, 2010


外面的天空 ,蓝色中 带着一种 宁静的感觉。虽然 在车子里, 空气中仍然混淆着 雨即将来临的味道。“憨人”大声的播放着, 把每一个平静的角落都充满了振奋的波动。 那种感觉是难以形容的。就像是生病的时候, 给你煮的一锅粥; 气馁的时候, 陪你喝的啤酒, 伤心的时候, 给你抹鼻涕的衣袖。。。 不多。。。 但全是一点点累积起来的感动。
我有我的路 wa wu wa e lo
有我的梦 wu wa e mang
梦中的那个世界 mang diong e hi lei sei gai
甘讲伊是一场空 gang gong yi xi ji diun kang

我走过的路 wa gia guei e lo
只有希望 ji wu hi mang
希望你我讲过的话 hi mang ni wa gong guei e wei
放在心肝内 bang zai xin gua nai
总有一天 zong wu ji gang




从小就规范于大人所定义的框框内, 颤颤惊惊的, 一步又一步的走过来。模范生, 优等生, 奖牌, 奖座, 奖学金 等等,曾经以为那是构成生活轮廓的基础。现在的我想抛开这一切, 为我自己所定的原则而活着, 应该来得及吧。

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

今天, 我逃了。

不想忍,不愿忍,所以我逃了。逃到一处 任我挥霍, 随我任性的地方。


快点长大吧, 尽快长大吧, 不然赶不上了。已经赶不上了。

每当这时候,自豪的挤在前方的他们总对我说,“习惯 就好了。”

是 真的吗。
是 对的吗。
是 该的吗。

Skype status: Remembering the forgotten...

今天看了我的skype 之后,我的朋友关心我说,“你遗忘了什么?” 其实我真的不晓得。如果遗忘了, 我又怎么会知道我遗忘了呢。一早上开了我的电脑,潜意识的就把那句子给写上了。 直到我的朋友问我时,我才发觉。

这句子使到我莫名的烦躁。吃午餐的时候,我还不知不觉的把那种不耐烦的感觉强加于我的同事身上。虽然知道这是不该的, 但那时的我有种想要大声喊叫的冲动, 想立刻向无人的道路一直一直一直的跑, 想毫无顾虑的疾冲, 直到筋皮力尽为止。

晚上我突然发现了。一直安静躺在那边的它不见了。 那只被车字辗过而全身脏脏的它, 那只鼻子歪掉一边的它,那只陪着我的它, 不见了。。。

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

不想睡, 却非睡不可。
不想眠, 却频频阖眼。
不想寝, 却呵欠无间。

没办法, 唯有昧也。

原来, 睡觉也有那么多的说法, 可见睡觉也是一种享受。。。

Monday, June 14, 2010


今天一整天都对着ROI, Payback, Discounted Benefit Flow, Discount Rate, 弄到我头昏脑胀的。为什么会那么的复杂呢。 还是做电脑比做人脑来的好。电脑只需要明白 1 和 0 就足够了, 1 就是1, 0 就是0。没有隐埋的讯息,也没有灰色的疆界。 如果电脑能化身成人类的话,它们的世界大概只能会有两种模式:天堂般和谐,或是地狱般的自我毁灭吧。超简单的!!!  这样的世界,幸福的, 始终会幸福吧。。。

台 * 湾 * 用* 语

白目 = 搞不清楚状况,欠揍
怪咖 = 言行异域常人的人
出包 = 出错
不爽  = 看不顺眼,心情不好都可以用"不爽"来形容
鸡婆  = 罗唆 {很烦的那种}
机车  = 古板, 不上道
哈拉 =八卦、吹水.聊天那一类
龟毛 =无聊、挑剔
gin      =矜持、硬撑
凸槌 =出错
k      = 「k书」=刨书,「k爆」=打爆
碎碎念 =嘀嘀咕咕 很多话说
哇塞/哇靠=有点意外的助语词 ,又有像不是吧这一种
猪头    =笨 "正"=很好,很美
啵/啾   =kiss
la弓     =抓狂
衰       =倒霉
劈腿   =一脚踏两船
粉        =很
了        =了解
歹势    = sorry , 不好意思
抓狂    = 令自己好烦
kuso  =无厘头
orz       =  一个是失意,一个是五体投地~ 真orz~(真失意),对你真的orz(对你真的无语了)
闭上鸟嘴 = 就像闭上你的乌鸦嘴~(香港是这样) 台湾用鸟,就是说的话都是不好的,不吉利的~
安啦   = 是放心啦的意思
太扯  = 就类似是太夸张的意思 太扯了吧这样子
網路, 瓦斯, 行動電話, 便當, Ok繃

Sunday, June 13, 2010


短裙 - 穿吧。
汉堡 - 给他吧。
不满 - 说吧。
跑腿 - 拒绝吧。
伤心 - 哭吧。
生气 - 发飚吧。
日记 - 写吧。
功课 - 偷懒吧。
奖牌 - 免吧。
朋友 - 交心吧。
道路 - 走吧。
自己 - 坦然吧。


一天四个地方。。。kota raya, bangsar, atria, amcorp。。。寻获了三件宝物。 感觉就像游戏机里的角色一样, 随着游戏的进度而增添了搜获的力量。又获得了新的能源支撑好一段时间了。现在是晚上11:03, 考虑着是否需要慢慢的消耗这些能量, 不然警示灯亮了都还没有补给到能源, 那就麻烦了。


印象中曾有一句话,"每一盏灯下, 都编写着一个不同的故事。” 那时就觉得有一种感触说, 那许许多多的灯之中, 是否会有一个故事是跟你我的一样呢?是的话, 结局是否也是一样呢?

现在是, 凌晨 1:52。

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Plaster ceiling is already up...  ^^

Living Room
Dining Room




Friday, June 11, 2010




今晚回到家的时候,夜幕已经低垂了。 没遇上比邻的老婆婆。也没遇上惯常的寒暄:“你的叉烧呢。”

第一次被老婆婆问这句话的时候,我还以为老婆婆在骂粗话呢。^^ 现在已经习已为常了。

统计一下, 老婆婆不止问候过叉烧, 还有虾饺和罗米鸡呢。开始时, 我还一直会改正说:“婆婆, 是烧卖啊。”婆婆会有点不好意思的改口。但过了一阵子后,旧习惯也就顺其自然的回来了。

看她满心欢喜的, 我想我又何必执著呢。名字只不过是一个称号罢了。爸爸, 妈妈, 哥哥, 姐姐, 弟弟, 妹妹, 这些又何尝不是一个称号呢。

只要这称号背后的意思表达了, 其他的就已经不重要了。

最喜欢烧卖这个表情了。时常在想这表情所代表的意思。是“我很饿”, “你在干吗”, 还是 “!·#¥%…—*()《》?”。

哈哈哈, 吃穷我的同伴, 或许我还真该把你的名字改为叉烧。 广东人说的, “生条叉烧好过生你!!!”几许年下来, 连只蟑螂也不会抓的你 ,烧卖这个名字还真是抬举了。 ^^

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ashin's Official Blog

Wow I can't believe it. Ashin actually has a blog of his own and he's updating it on a regular basis. I'm speechlessly happy. It's WW again who helped me locate the blog. In his blog, he also has links to Monster and Stone's blog. Now I can find out what current activity and event that they are having. Well, not to stalk but to support them. :)


2010 Mayday DNA Concert Newspaper Clippings

Thanks to WW, I have managed to get 2 newspaper clippings dated 20100530 and 20100607, which featured 2010 Mayday DNA concert in Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kinraramas Renovation Tracking #01

I went to Kinraramas to check out the renovation progress. Ah Kam went out for lunch so I didn't get to meet him. However, I did go up to the unit and saw that they already started installing the electric cabling in the wall. The workers were having lunch on the balcony. Didn't dare to stay too long, so I just snapped some pictures and left.

Living Room

Master Bedroom

Second Bedroom


Yummie Siew Mai

Siew Mai's weight should be becoming more consistent. Last weighed at 6.3 kg, which was 0.1kg less compared to half a year ago. He still looks as fat as ever, and as cute as ever. :)

Mayday Wallpaper

I just put up a new Mayday's wallpaper on my desktop. The wallpaper looks awesome.

I also found a picture of Ashin and Monster together when they were much younger. They looked really different. LOL

Too Late with the Stick

The editable flashing LED light stick that I ordered from aliexpress finally arrived on Monday (June 07) whis was 2 days later than the Mayday concert. Guess I just need to use it for my next concert.

The light stick was actually ordered from the above link. 5 sticks costs USD42.46 and it came in a combination of yellow (top) and red (bottom) on each stick. The vendor sent the package through Hong Kong post and it takes about 12 working days to arrive in KL. Since it is less than 2kg, the shipping was actually FOC.

I also tried it out by putting Mayday Ashin's name on it. Following is the effect. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

I love books

I went to MINES chinese international book fair on Sunday and got myself a few books. One of the books was authored by Mayday, I couldn't wait to start reading it.
Another book that I got was 流星之绊. I love the Japanese TV series starting Ninomiya, which was part of the reason why I bought the book.
Also renewed my Cite membership card to 2013 Jun. Btw, it is already 2.41am in the morning now, luckily it is a replacement holiday today (Monday), else I'd look like a chinese national treasure ...

2010 Mayday DNA Concert @ Stadium Indra Putra

五月天 啵棒!!!

WOW WOW WOW, Mayday is simply awesome. Their concert blew everyone away. 7 of the zimui (Alison, Lee Ling, Cheng Yee, Chen Leng, Shiau Ning, Wei Wei and I) each made a poster consisting the letters M-A-Y--D-A-Y. Although it seemed a bit silly when we first started out making the poster, it ended up a great many uses to us. It was used as 1. a poster to show support to Mayday, 2. a prop for taking picutre, 3. a fan, 4. to make knocking sound to show our cheer in the stadium (should have brought along a whistle as well), 5. as a seating mat, 6. as a camoflage.

The ticket showed that the concert would start at 8pm. A few of us gathered at Lee Ling's apartment at 5pm and then we grabbed a bite at the McD along Sg Besi highway before we headed out to the Stadium Indra Putra. We arrived at around 6.15pm. We went crazy when we saw all the fans already queuing up and holding a navy blue light flashing stick. We got absolutely phychotic as we absolutely needed to have one of those. A boy was selling the stick to us with the initial price of RM45 for 7, but we managed to reduce the price to RM42. Happy happy that we got the correct official navy blue stick for their DNA concert.

At the mechandize booth, I also got a copy of Ashin's photo collection book on Japan @ RM50. I really enjoyed the book as it showed another side of Ashin that I wasn't aware of.

After that we started taking pictures with our posters. Some folks looked at us like one kind, some glanced at us with admiration and some with envy and some thought we were nuts. Anyway, it was super fun. Although I'm not sure if Mayday saw our posters in the stadium, it was still good to show them our support.

While waiting for the stadium to fill up with people, the performance started with some local artists. The first batch of artists who came out to perform received quite a number of "boo - boo - boo" from the fans as the fans were expecting Mayday to come out. Well, most of them were kids, so it is understandable why they behaved this way although it was not excuse for their manner. Anyway, I think the first batch of artist, the superband, picked their songs wrong as the fans could not relate to those song. The the second artist was IQWAL, a malay chap singing beyond's 海阔天空,which was rather well received by the fans. Then it followed with 叮当,who had gotten the most claps from the fans as she was rather well known in the local scene. It was 8.30pm then and the light started to dim and the spot light was turned on. We then knew that Mayday was about to come out. All the fans cheered their heart out. Hahaha... but Mayday kept us in a bit more suspense as they started to play their concert video which mainly feature the 轧车 song. The video actually helped build up the heat and the anticipation of the fan. After about 8 minutes into the video, the curtains sudenly dropped to the ground and it followed with a big bang of fireworks, and then there they were... MAYDAY... 阿信, 石头, 马莎, 冠佑, 怪兽 are all looking as FABULOUS as ever, albeit in just t-shirt and jeans.

During one of the encore songs, I almost wanted to cry when Ashin sang 温柔. It was absolutely touching. When he sang the song, they dimmed the lighting for the entire stadium, so the video was quite dark. When we were there, in total darkness, the feeling was really something... undescribeable. Ashin voice is absolutely stunning.

Song list for the night is as follows:
And the following link has a very good youtube video summarizing the concert as a whole.

05-Jun-2010 is an historic day in my life. I'm keeping the ticket stub as souvenir. This is the best concert that I've been to so far. As what Ashin mentioned during the concert, if they still manage to hold a concert in Malaysia after 10 years later, I hope I'll still be there, along with the rest of the zimui, to show them our support. Mayday "ROOOOOOOCCCCCCCKS"!!!