Monday, June 7, 2010

2010 Mayday DNA Concert @ Stadium Indra Putra

五月天 啵棒!!!

WOW WOW WOW, Mayday is simply awesome. Their concert blew everyone away. 7 of the zimui (Alison, Lee Ling, Cheng Yee, Chen Leng, Shiau Ning, Wei Wei and I) each made a poster consisting the letters M-A-Y--D-A-Y. Although it seemed a bit silly when we first started out making the poster, it ended up a great many uses to us. It was used as 1. a poster to show support to Mayday, 2. a prop for taking picutre, 3. a fan, 4. to make knocking sound to show our cheer in the stadium (should have brought along a whistle as well), 5. as a seating mat, 6. as a camoflage.

The ticket showed that the concert would start at 8pm. A few of us gathered at Lee Ling's apartment at 5pm and then we grabbed a bite at the McD along Sg Besi highway before we headed out to the Stadium Indra Putra. We arrived at around 6.15pm. We went crazy when we saw all the fans already queuing up and holding a navy blue light flashing stick. We got absolutely phychotic as we absolutely needed to have one of those. A boy was selling the stick to us with the initial price of RM45 for 7, but we managed to reduce the price to RM42. Happy happy that we got the correct official navy blue stick for their DNA concert.

At the mechandize booth, I also got a copy of Ashin's photo collection book on Japan @ RM50. I really enjoyed the book as it showed another side of Ashin that I wasn't aware of.

After that we started taking pictures with our posters. Some folks looked at us like one kind, some glanced at us with admiration and some with envy and some thought we were nuts. Anyway, it was super fun. Although I'm not sure if Mayday saw our posters in the stadium, it was still good to show them our support.

While waiting for the stadium to fill up with people, the performance started with some local artists. The first batch of artists who came out to perform received quite a number of "boo - boo - boo" from the fans as the fans were expecting Mayday to come out. Well, most of them were kids, so it is understandable why they behaved this way although it was not excuse for their manner. Anyway, I think the first batch of artist, the superband, picked their songs wrong as the fans could not relate to those song. The the second artist was IQWAL, a malay chap singing beyond's 海阔天空,which was rather well received by the fans. Then it followed with 叮当,who had gotten the most claps from the fans as she was rather well known in the local scene. It was 8.30pm then and the light started to dim and the spot light was turned on. We then knew that Mayday was about to come out. All the fans cheered their heart out. Hahaha... but Mayday kept us in a bit more suspense as they started to play their concert video which mainly feature the 轧车 song. The video actually helped build up the heat and the anticipation of the fan. After about 8 minutes into the video, the curtains sudenly dropped to the ground and it followed with a big bang of fireworks, and then there they were... MAYDAY... 阿信, 石头, 马莎, 冠佑, 怪兽 are all looking as FABULOUS as ever, albeit in just t-shirt and jeans.

During one of the encore songs, I almost wanted to cry when Ashin sang 温柔. It was absolutely touching. When he sang the song, they dimmed the lighting for the entire stadium, so the video was quite dark. When we were there, in total darkness, the feeling was really something... undescribeable. Ashin voice is absolutely stunning.

Song list for the night is as follows:
And the following link has a very good youtube video summarizing the concert as a whole.

05-Jun-2010 is an historic day in my life. I'm keeping the ticket stub as souvenir. This is the best concert that I've been to so far. As what Ashin mentioned during the concert, if they still manage to hold a concert in Malaysia after 10 years later, I hope I'll still be there, along with the rest of the zimui, to show them our support. Mayday "ROOOOOOOCCCCCCCKS"!!!